Setting out on a new venture in a foreign land

My hair is grey.  So light it is almost bright white.  For the first time in my life I am a platinum blond.  It is naturally slightly curly, cut in a shortish bob.  So people constantly tell me I look like Marilyn Monroe.  Of course I do not – my curves are somewhat exaggerated compared to hers – but I know what they mean.  It is the hair – just the hair.

This is what happened when I stopped dying my hair!

At the moment I am sitting writing in the sunny front room of a two bedroom apartment that I have rented in Aix-en-Provence until the end of the year.  My real home is in Auckland, NZ, where I have a slightly less grand apartment in the inner city suburb of Grey Lynn.  For my sins I am a partner in a law firm, who specialises in advising local government.  Interesting, but not exciting.

So what is this blog about?  Not law I promise you!  No, I am a single, 62 year old baby boomer off to have an adventure, think about the past, and pontificate on life.  There was a trigger that brought me here, and I might tell you about it some time.

For now I warn you, this blog is about me.  I will tell you about living in Aix-en-Provence, and some other things that you might find interesting as well.  But my intention is to be self-indulgent; and by that I mean truthful, fickle, and occasionally embarrassingly open.  So read on at your peril.

One thought on “Setting out on a new venture in a foreign land”

  1. Look forward to following as I shared the beginning of your journey to Aix but had to return to my family after only two weeks with you. As I’ve said, you are brave for venturing out and braver still for publishing. Keep yourself safe. Love you.

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